Wednesday, January 19, 2011

An Open Letter to Every Bodybuilder Who Secretly Believes BodyRx and Muscle Insider Supplements Are Garbage"

This is a no-holds-barred report that exposes the shocking supplement scandal that has been happening for the last decade... Read on, if you're curious about what's really happening behind closed-doors in the supplement labs...
By: Leonard Katzman, Kinesiologist/Personal Trainer/Co-author I Walk the Walk & Look Good in a Speedo

Dear Friend,
In a few minutes, I hope to make you so pissed off; you just might throw a dumbbell right through the wall.
There’s a deceptive scandal going on with protein supplements today. It's a scandal that, if you are like most guys I know, is cheating you out of your hard-earned money and worse, robbing you of the serious gains and major results you deserve and should be getting from every workout.

It’s an absolute mess. If you are using any protein powders now or even thinking about using any, then you need to hear everything I am going to share with you. It's that important.
Now, maybe I need to remind you who I am. It may help you understand why I am sharing the astonishing story I am about to tell you.

My name is Leonard Katzman, and I've been in the bodybuilding industry for 13 years... I'm close friends with guys who have won bodybuilding competitions in 5 different weight categories, four overall championships including a National Drug Free Championship. I'm also a sought-after personal trainer, kinesiologist and the co-author of I Walk the Walk and Look Good in a Speedo.

Fifteen years ago, I started experimenting with all the protein supplements on the market. I kept close track of what the results were, and guess what? Although a few supplements worked a little bit, most had really unpleasant side effects, like nausea, gas, and blood sugar crashes, and for the most part...
Most of them didn't do didley squat for me except fatten my waistline and even nastier...
The garbage proteins caused some serious intestinal toxemia inside my gut - Don't laugh because 99.9% of bodybuilders are experiencing the exact same thing right now. I'll talk more about this in a minute
The fact is, I got burned bad. I probably lost thousands of dollars, possibly even tens of thousands, and I will bet you dollars to donuts that you too have been burned in the supplement game.

Heck, I think every successful bodybuilder has been cheated because there's so much crap out there and no objective scorecard to help you decide what's baloney and what's real. It's frustrating.
Yet, if you are tearing it up in the gym like I am, you need some serious protein. In just an average workout, you are probably pushing your body to its limit, forcing it to scramble to replace the nutrients and amino acids and other essentials you've scorched up.
In a breakthrough workout, where you are really going for maximum gains, you are literally draining your system dry. A good healthy diet will help, but for the big gains you are after, you need something more...But, how do you choose the right protein to take?
It's a scandal.
I counted in the last issue of “Muscle and Fitness” 124 pages of advertisements for supplements and they all claimed they were the best in the world.
Now, I'm not a genius but I know they can't all be the best.
What’s more, through my personal wallet-emptying experience with enough supplements to fill a warehouse, I know none of them are even close to being the best available. Even the most popular and most famous brands are mediocre at best.

You should know that I've gone deep behind the scenes...I have a decade of experience in the supplement industry on just about every level, from retail, manufacturer, formulation and research.
I can state with absolute confidence, based on my personal experience, that about 95% of the products on the market do not meet label claims and an even higher percentage are not bio-available to the body...And almost every product doesn't even come close to the advertising claims.
"It's Scary...
But, You Need To Know This..."
Let me let you in on a few dirty secrets the fat cats (Dr. Scott Connelly; Vince Andrich & Scott Welch) hoped you would never hear about....Last year my close friend was asked to be the vice president of a large supplement company, which was positioned to become a major player in the fat burning supplement market.
He even wrote a book called "BodyRx for Dummies" (Yup, the dummies people were involved) to help promote the product. There were shareholders, marketing experts, financiers, accountants – the whole nine yards and a pile of money on the table. His personal cut was going to be 7 figures plus a huge percentage of the company (Muscle Insiders) revenues.
Here's the kicker though. After formulating the products he was flown around to the major supplement manufacturers in North America to meet with the lab guys, tour the facilities, and here's what happened. He asked a simple question to each of the facility scientists, about whether or not they would consume any of the products they made.
Every one of these scientists stated that the products were not fit for consumption and would not give you any real results. He was shocked, to say the least (and so was I after he told me the story). The researchers also stated that this was normal and...READ THIS:
"No one cared about product quality...It was all about money."
Afterwords, he sat in a meeting with a top formulator and professor at a major University in California. He informed my friend exactly how they could structure a University study to support any advertising claim that they made, as long as they paid the university a fee of $100,000.
Then he sat in another meeting where the investors and financiers were looking at ways to maximize the profits and make the wildest claims possible without getting in trouble with the FTC. (Note here is an example of how this was done by MET-Rx An Example of such a Fraud

They were even given leads to the best lawyers, copywriters and insurance companies by the leading magazine publishers. My friend was at a crossroad. He still really considered going ahead with the project, because frankly, he would have been a millionaire virtually the day the product hit the shelves. After a night's debate with himself, he decided to take the "high road." He informed the company that he was quitting right then and there, and that he would not release the book. I was happy to hear that he made the right choice.
This whole story led to me another conclusion...People like you and me have been getting screwed in the supplement game for a long time. This painful realization was one of the deciding factors that made me decide to write this report to you.

Who Can You Trust?

Unfortunately, you just can't judge the quality of a supplement by price or by who's selling it or by how fancy the label or advertising looks. A quick rule of thumb, anything in Muscle Insider magazine or associated with Dr. Scott Connelly or Vincent Andrich is destined to rip you off.
The fact is the nutritional supplement market has exploded in recent years. It is now a $10.3 billion dollar a year industry and everybody with access to a lab wants to get a piece of it. They want your money.
But who can you trust, with hundreds of products out there, all screaming for your attention? How can you be sure of what's in all the goop you are putting into your body?
I'll tell you this – you can't trust the advertising. These glitzy ads are mostly written by scrawny professional copywriters, who are trained to make any kind of product sound good, regardless of whether it is or not.
Do you want to know how the rich marketing companies decide on what to put into a product? They sit around, make lists of all the latest fads that get lots of print in the magazines and throw together a mish-mash of "maybes" in a bottle.

Maybe it works, maybe it doesn't; they don’t know. It’s all guesswork, advertising and posturing. They spend more time thinking up a hot name than they do researching the results.
Well, I got sick and tired of being a Human guinea pig for fat cat businessmen Who don’t understand -- and Don’t care about serious bodybuilders.
 Bodybuilders are big guys and we need supplements that work – supplements that are loaded with nutrients, aminos, and enzymes. We need more nutrients than any other athlete on the planet would ever require in ten years. But, let’s focus on protein. Specifically, what’s the best kind of protein to get the absolute best gains?
Let me tell you, it’s not whey. It’s time to blow the lid off the biggest protein scam of all time and make a few fat cat protein manufacturers angry.
So, what IS the problem with whey?
Catabolic Acidity...
And Intestinal Toxemia...
Your body's PH level has a tremendous effect on growth. Most weightlifters are DEEP in an acidic nightmare that’s killing muscle growth and destroying their health. This has been really overlooked because of the propaganda and mass advertising of whey protein by money-hungry corporations.
They make it sound likes it’s an issue between whey isolates versus whey concentrates...or whey boosted by this or that...And they are very convincing. But, time has now proven what’s really occurring in the bodybuilding world and no one is telling the whole story.
Here’s what's happening...Mass consumption of whey powder contributes to a condition called intestinal toxemia. This kills anabolism, muscle gains and really shortchanges bodybuilders’ results.
Sure, when people starting using whey, they might experience what seems to be an increase in muscle mass. But, that’s an illusion. Everybody’s chasing the poundage on the scale. “Oh, I’m up five pounds. I’m up ten pounds.” But, when you actually look closely at the quality of the physique, it reveals the truth.
Ask yourself...Is that ten pounds of muscle? Is it ten pounds of water? Or worse, is it ten pounds of intestinal sludge? And usually that’s what it is. Most of your whey protein is going to be deposited in your intestinal tract...that ain’t in your muscles, where you want it.
You might have taken whey and gained a few pounds. Perhaps, you got your body fat taken and it registered as lean body mass...So, what’s really going on here?
Well, I think the best evidence comes from today’s pro bodybuilders. Let’s look at the top guys in the last 15 years. Let’s examine the pictures.
"Today's bodybuilders are competing with 38 inch waistlines. It's insane."
If you go back to your magazines from 15 years ago, you’ll see guys with nice, tight waistlines...a svelte, clean look to their physiques. "This is what a killer physique looks like." A lot of legendary bodybuilders are saying, “Where did all these beautiful physiques go?”  "Everybody looks like over-stuffed sausages now. It's gross" The guys today are competing at 250, 260...Even 297 POUNDS! But, if you actually look closely at the muscle bellies...Does any guy have a larger bicep or chest than Arnold? Does anyone have bigger legs than Tom Platz? The biggest GROWTH I see, occurred right in the midsection...
You might have heard the terms “steroid bellies” or the “growth hormone bellies.” But, there’s a deeper level of sickness going on...and I call it BodyRx Bellies.
More and more bodybuilders are stopping their careers because of intestinal toxemia. They’ve got massive deposits of whey growth factros extract packed into their intestinal tract, which leaves a nice black layer of sludge and reduces the possibility of getting protein into your body - where you need it. If it’s in your intestine, it’s not in your muscles.
Vince “The Iron Guru” Gironda revealed this forgotten fact 50 years ago. He was one of the pioneers of bodybuilding (All the legends including Arnold trained with Vince). Vince discovered that 21 days is the max you can be on a high protein diet before intestinal toxemia rears its ugly head.
He actually recommended a high fiber, plant protein diet to restore the body’s PH levels back into an anabolic alkaline state and eliminate intestinal toxemia. Vince despised the bloated belly look of modern day pros...
It’s Time To Stop The Madness...Stop Eating Useless Dead BodyRx Powder...
And Start Consuming Electrically Charged Protein...
Once protein has been denatured, which means it’s been processed over temperatures of around 120 degrees – it kills the enzyme functions in the protein... It annihilates the good bacteria...And these two essential components make the amino acids “alive” or “electrically charged.” In other words, if you heat up the food IT’S DEAD. The nutrition is GONE!
What you need is a protein that’s electrically charged. “Electrically charged” means that the amino acids carry a negative charge. In your intestinal tract, the negative charge allows it to cross your intestinal barrier. If it doesn’t contain that charge, it can’t cross the barrier.
What you’re left with is dead food that cakes up inside your intestinal tract. It also severely limits the amount of nutrients that get inside your bloodstream and inside your muscles.
Whey is Dead.
Here’s an example that proves this... When people start taking BodyRx, their hunger shoots up. Why is there an increase in hunger? It’s because the body is becoming protein-starved. It can’t get the amino acids to cross the intestinal barrier.
This causes your body to start pulling amino acids out of the smooth muscle around your colon and that causes deterioration in the function of your digestive tract. So, you’re not clearing the old waste product out...You’re not absorbing all the new nutrients in your food...And you’re also robbing essential amino acids from your body.
Obviously, this is a catabolic condition that you want to avoid at all costs.
The bottom line is, if you’re not taking electrically available proteins, you’re not absorbing them and they are useless. Period. And 99% of the proteins on the market today fall into the “useless category.”
Now, let’s move on to what I’ve discovered is the best protein available today. Trust me, because I’ve tried everything. I’m a human laboratory...Some of my friends call me the “mad scientist”...And I’m really excited to share the latest, cutting edge developments in protein today.
Once I got hip to what’s going on with intestinal toxemia and acidity, I asked myself, “What other source of protein can I get to give me the amino acids, enzymes and bacteria that I require in order to create maximum growth and stay healthy?”
So...what’s The Best Protein Available Right Now?
During the course of my research, I had the good fortune of meeting Jamie Hagan. She introduced me to a totally new product, that’s quickly becoming the new protein king on the block. It’s going to allow people to exceed their previous athletic performances without causing the problems that whey growth factors have.
It’s called Anything, Not Associated With Vince Andrich, Dr. Scott Connelly and Muscle Insider Protein.
And you might be asking yourself, “Whoa, gee, man...are you smoking dope?” And of course, I am just saying if you fall for this type of ad copy, you will be conned out of your dollars quick.
The research does not exist. This is why you will only read about BodyRx in Muscle Insider, because Dr. Scott Connelly, Vince Andrich and Scott Welch are all business partners. Let me break down what a “con-man” does...He speaks to you with con-fidence about his latest scam to accelerate your muscle gains, and burn off your body fat, similar to what you’ll read below…
Why Is This The Greatest Protein Source Out There?
Here's the 7 Reasons Why This Is The Most Anabolic Protein On The Market...
1. Crank your testosterone with the most potent source of ????? in nature...????
Science has proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that it increases testosterone levels. But the question is, since I, Dr. Scott Connelly, lied about scientific studies as noted in the Resource Link to the right, and have been proven to be a fraud, why would anyone believe me now?
Here's the scoop...
Even though I have been sued by the FTC for putting steroidal compounds into MET-Rx and was shown by several universities to have peddled Slim Fast quality, but sold it as my special formula to keep the dying alive in hospital wards, even though I lost my ability to practice medicine…Vince Andrich writes amazing ad copy…so good, in fact, that he is paying $10M to people in Las Vegas that he defrauded...besides, he is a “swinger,” and that is always a fun trade.
For maximum growth, the BS ingredient that Vince will write about in his Supplement Review will possess a slightly negative charge, so it gets inside your system and performs its magic. It forms very thin surface layers which helps your body detoxify by carrying toxins to the surface of the skin, intestinal tract, kidneys and lungs where they can be eliminated – much like any credible scientist would eliminate my fake Dr. Connelly science...unless it is in Muscle Insider, which we all own.
The Perfect Balance...
My Super Duper BodyRx formula has the perfect balance of the essential fatty acids required by bodybuilders and hard training athletes. Why? Because this is our new Con. But because you’re special and new to bodybuilding, we lie to you, the novice, and can recreate the same scam we did in the 1990's (evidence contained under RESOURCE LINKS to the right).
2. Turbo-charge your protein synthesis naturally...
Our miracle Whey Growth Factor Extract (WGFE) and TGF-Beta are your body's workers. They do over 3,000 functions in your body, including breaking down protein into amino acids and synthesizing the aminos into new muscle. All enzymes are globular proteins and perform most of the “magic” inside your body. That's right, magic, and if you buy now, I will create a magical mythical refund but will not have to honor it – just ask the people Vince Andrich defrauded in Las Vegas. It’s the same reason why my wife has to own everything in her name :)
One of the unique things about our secret milk is that no other milk on earth comes close to this. My protein has Vinceisms in it, which guarantee it has the enzymes necessary for metabolic activity and growth.
Scott Super juice is the third most abundant protein in your body. When you work out, you are draining your globulin reserves. Globulins perform many enzymatic processes within the plasma including protein synthesis and fat!
The best way to insure the body has enough amino acid material to fuel your anabolic drive is to eat foods high in globulin protein, and also include quantities of whey growth factor extract, as its protein is readily available to feed your muscles.
3. Switch your body from a nightmarish acidic state to an anabolic alkaline state...
The ideal PH level for maximum growth is around 7.35 to 7.5. Almost no one in bodybuilding is even close to that.
Most bodybuilders are really, really deep on the acidic side. They’re eating a lot of acid-producing foods, processed foods, and dead proteins. This contributes to this acid effect inside their bodies that builds layers of sludge inside the intestinal tract that stops the absorption of nutrients.
So, if you’re not experiencing regular and consistent gains, you can almost be certain your body’s PH level has become acidic. This can give you the appearance of Skeletor and give you the worst body odor and breath known to humankind. If you have ever smelled me or know anyone who has (the smell of Dr. Scott Connelly always precedes the Con of Dr. Scott Con-nelly), then you know the side effects from being Acidic.
4. Flood your muscles with amino acids...
Every weightlifter knows they need amino acids to repair muscle cells and create growth. BodyRx protein contains all the essential amino acids and essential fatty acids necessary to get you as big as you want. No other single whey source has the essential amino acids in such an easily digestible form.
5. Eliminate intestinal toxemia (which causes the "bloated belly" look) and reclaim your nutrient-absorbing power...
And it really helps to get into the cracks and crevices of your colon -- Scrub it and takes out all the whey gunk and sludge. So you might go through a bit of a gentle detox. After a few short weeks, you’ll feel more energy, more raw power and a tighter waistline.
How Do You Create The Perfect Protein?
First, Only You Make Up Your Science...Then you buy or create a magazine to give readers the impression that real journalists are writing credible science-based articles...then you keep using the made-up science and continually publish that the “results speak for themselves,” and never release any science...pretty cool, huh?
Then you make up false, misleading statements such as “Pharmaceutical Grade” – something that was established for pharmaceutical companies as a sign of quality and hygiene. It needs to be at a grade that’s safe for human beings to digest.
It should be lab tested...this is why we write a false science review and call it the Supplement Review. Tell people you are lab testing the competitors, and that way you can attack any of your competitors with false claims.
You might also notice how many grams of protein my new Super Duper BS protein has. On the surface it looks like BodyRx has less protein than whey. But, you’ve really got to change your beliefs about protein, because I am a con-man and medical doctor, and what you need to consider is how many amino acids are actually getting into your muscles. For example, 10 grams of my BS Muscle Insider-Approved BodyRx Percon Protein Solutions Protein is far more anabolic and shuttles more aminos to your muscles than 50 grams of whey.
If you want proof, just look at the Supplement Review that my business partner Vince Andrich wrote, which is promoted in Muscle Insider, which I also own.
What Can You Expect When You Start Taking This?
First off, gas, bloating and losing any hard-earned muscle you've gained. But I will blame it on your body’s acidity level. WHY?
Simple – because depending on your PH level, it can take up to two months before you fully adjust to the effects of BodyRX.
But don’t worry. After I bilk you out of 2-3 months of your money, I will ignore your phone calls.
After a month or two, you’ll notice...
NOTHING...but remember, we are marketers, and not just any marketers...we had our own segment on DateLine NBC (who cares that it was an exposé about our fraudulent practices), so instead we are going to write…
Huge boosts in raw power...
Your strength will shoot up...
Your muscle mass will explode to the next level...
At this time, you’ll start liking the taste of BodyRX. Then I suggest that you go try some whey protein after. You’re going to notice a huge difference in how you feel, your energy level, and even the taste, because you’ll start understanding the difference between live protein and dead protein.
I really want you to try it for at least 60 days. Put it in your shakes. Drink it. You’re going to experience a whole new world. You’ll be amazed with how you get addicted to the aspartame, how you look, and the results that you get from your training.
It’s really important that you give it about a two-month trial to bring your wallet to an empty level.
“The Anabolic Alkaline Zone”
One thing I’ve realized is, it’s really hard to beat Mother Nature. Scrawny scientists are in labs trying to produce products that they can mass-manufacture and profit from.
But in the end, Mother Nature built the ultimate protein. It’s got everything we need. It’s got all the proteins...It’s got all the fats...It’s got all the amino acids...It’s got the bacteria...And it’s electrically charged.
But, don't go running to the store yet...
I tested every protein product on the market and I could only find one manufacturer who met all my strict requirements.
Thanks to the special relationship I built with them, I struck an exclusive deal that you won't find anywhere else. And with so many people begging me to share my protein source with them...I decided to do something really exciting as a favor for you.
First, I’ve secured very special rates that I can pass on to you. BodyRX is totally affordable...It’s very cost effective for even the most cash-strapped bodybuilder.
So the only way we can offer the freshest possible BodyRX protein in the world is by having Don Aspinall razor off the expiration date (it’s expired, after all) and sell it for new. Oh wait, that will never about this:
"Protein Breakthrough Club"
This is a private autoship program that guarantees you'll get the most potent protein in the world delivered to your doorstep. Why? Because our BodyRX protein manufacturer will produce YOUR 6 packs as you need them. You'll never get old protein that's been sitting around in a warehouse for the leftover protein from my failed Dr. Scott Connelly’s K9-Rx Dog Food. Remember the razor trick with the expiration date? Don’t forget that one!
You’ll get a fresh 6 pack delivered to you every 2 months. You'll never have to think about it. You'll always be armed with an electrically-charged, amino-loaded, enzyme-rich protein source.
Click Here Now To Join The Exclusive Protein Breakthrough Club
Before The Doors Are Closed...(i.e., when Vince Andrich publishes his new Supplement Review, which will be announced and promoted through Muscle Insider AND Scott Welch. The 2nd issue will announce a new “Breakthrough Protein,” available only to dead and dying patients in the ICU until now...but for a limited time, to help pay off Vince Andrich’s $10 million dollar restitution and Dr. Scott Connelly's 21 fraud lawsuits, and to help out Muscle Insider, which is Vince and Scott's new scam vehicle) now!
Of course, the Protein Breakthrough Club is fully covered by my personal zero-risk, no questions asked, 100% RISK FREE, 90-day money-back guarantee. **Vince Andrich** personally can guarantee this, as he typically bankrupts a company within 3 years (just ask Sylvester Stallone and InStone...oh wait, you can't, they went bankrupt...ask Phoenix Labs...oh wait, they went out of business...wait, I know, call MET-Rx, where he and Dr. Connelly worked...wait, they almost went broke too, before a fire sale landed MET-Rx at Natures Bounty.
If for any reason you don't think this is the most anabolic protein ever, just return 5 cans back. That means you're getting 1 free container no matter what! You've got nothing to lose and lots of muscle to gain.
So click here to get on the most powerful muscle-building protein available...

P.S. If you get in the club, you'll also get 15 super delicious recipes designed by a Russian organic recipe expert. You'll be shocked and delighted when you see how fun, easy and delicious the transition to our SUPER DUPER protein can be.